Alina Dovgal
As a successful career woman and mother of three, I struggled with my body confidence and felt like I had lost my sense of self. This led me to become passionate about women's mental, sexual, and physical health and to commit myself to helping women flourish in all these areas. In 2016, I opened my first women's recreation club, where every woman had access to a psychologist, master classes on sexual education, as well as a range of specialist classes.
When I moved to the United States, I faced the additional challenge of not being able to speak English, which further impacted my self-esteem and my ability to be the mother and wife I wanted to be.
I had always been physically active, enjoying sports like horse riding and karate, and knew the benefits of fitness on mental and physical health. This led me to try Pilates at a large studio, but I was disappointed to find that the way it was being taught caused pain in my body. I realized the importance of smaller group sessions and proper guidance to ensure safe and effective exercise.
This led me to pursue my own Pilates certification and open my own studio, where I could provide the highest quality guidance and use my expertise in using a range of equipment such as the apparatus mat, reformer, and spine corrector. I am also a qualified sex coach and certified pelvic floor instructor. My passion for women's health and satisfaction, along with my commitment to providing the highest quality guidance in Pilates, sets me apart from other practitioners.
Pilates has been life-changing for me. As my body confidence has grown, so have my mental, sexual, and physical health. I now have so much to give to my children and husband.

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